021 4555 694 info@pjbarrett.ie


Furniture beetle is the most common and widespread form of wood destroying insect found in domestic buildings in Ireland
Active and unchecked woodworm infestation can cause serious damage to your property, early diagnosis treatment is important.

Where to look – Active woodworm infestation is present in your home it will usually be found in the roof timbers.

What to look for – Active woodworm infestation is always indicated by fresh flight holes and by bore dust, especially during the summer months. Infestation is usually found in the attic space around the attic trap-door area or in rafter timbers immediately over uncovered water tanks.

The treatment – Careful and appropriate brush or spray treatment of infested or at risk timbers is highly successful.

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Guidelines on how to treat woodworm infestation

Spray treatment using a Wykamol Dual Purpose Wood Preservative is the most successful method of eradicating active woodworm infestation.

Spray treatments are usually delivered using a lightweight knapsack or portable spraying equipment.

  • Roof Voids – in advance of treatment all attic spaces should be cleared of stored materials and insulation rolled back to allow access to ceiling timbers.
  • Always cover attic water tanks during and immediately after spray treatment
  • On completion of attic treatment, close attic trap door and open all windows to thoroughly ventilate the treated property.
  • Floor timbers – apart from general surface treatments some flooring boards will always need to be lifted to allow access to joists timbers and to the underside of infested boards.
  • Always wear protective clothing, including a suitable face mask and gloves.
  • Never work alone and always take plenty of breaks during treatment work.

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021 4555 694

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